Sorry I have been so out of touch but I had no idea that when we left for Sao Domingos (the site where me 2 months of training is held) I would have no Internet! I just had two days of Shadowing, a term which basically means that another trainee and I shadow a current volunteer and see their site, eat and work with them. I was lucky because I was with the volunteer who has the most rural site and she has no running water, electricty, etc. and lives in the middle of NOWHERE! It was fun though because we had about a 3 hour steep hike just to get to her house. Definitely an experience, lol.
Right now I am unfortunately trying to hurry because I have only a few minutes until I can get to a car to take me back to training where once again, I will have NO sad. =) Its ok though, I will learn to live without it!
So far training has been great. I love my host family and have begun to learn Kriolu, the local language here. There is so much to tell but it will have to wait until I am sworn in as a volunteer and given an assignment. I promise as soon as I get a chance, I will write all about it. I miss you all back home and hope everything is well!
Lots of Love,
Brittania (the only way they can pronounce my name here) =)